Quilt Love!

Hey hey, looks like my quilted throw blanket has been getting a little attention lately. You may or may not remember, but this was a custom piece I did back in February. I was so excited as this was the largest and most detailed hand painted silk piece that I had ever made! I'm still waiting to make another one for someone and the opportunity may be just around the corner. To my surprise Indiefixx included my quilt along with a few others in a post about indie quilters. Jen over at Indiefixx had been asked to find some cool quilts and apparently we indie quilters are few and far between! Well after the Indiefixx post Craft: picked it up and posted it on their blog too! A big thanks goes out to one of my crafty friends who let me know, because I had no idea.This is so super exciting to have something posted over at Craft:. They are only the hottest Craft magazine out right now. "You’ll find all the most up to date happenings in the crafts world here" Ha! I was excited just to participate in their contest where they teamed up with Etsy and made a Craft: scarf. I didn't win, but got an honorable mention of sorts - they posted my entry on the front page of Etsy for a day. Anyways, I am amazed and flattered that my little (or not so little) quilt has gotten a bit of love (and lots of hits) over the past few days. Yayayay!


Sandra Eileen said…
pretty quilt.