I Enjoy a Little Competition!

It's been a while since I've entered a competition. I saw this creative arts competition sponsored by FuelMyBlog (pssst...you can vote for my blog over there to the left under the Vote section) and Gizfolio and thought it couldn't hurt to enter. The requirements were very open, basically just email in a sample of your work along with signing up for Gizfolio, which is actually a pretty cool site. It's basically a site that helps you build your portfolio, get your work out, as well as see open job listings for freelance creative projects. A lot of it seems graphic design related - though I'm not classically trained to be a graphic designer, I love the discipline and do all the graphic design for crystal j.

The anatomical heart scarf was my first entry, I say first because you can enter as many pieces as you want up until the deadline of August 10. I think I also want to enter a necktie, my patchwork quilt, a pillow and maybe even a teeshirt for some variety. Right now, there is more photography than anything else, so hopefully some of my pieces will stand out. You can see all the entries here. Wish me luck or better yet, wish me luck + enter something yourself. The prize is a 2-year platinum freelancer account (worth about $800) and they've also just added a runner-up prize of a 1-year gold account!


Amy said…
Hi! How's things? I really like that scarf. Too bad I can't make it to the craft swap, but I thought I'd check in to see what you're up to.