Etsy Featured Seller!

Oh my goodness! I can't believe it! I've been chosen to be the Featured Seller on Etsy. There are over 100,000 sellers on there now, so this is a super-awesome opportunity and I am honored! Yep, that's me, right there on the front page. I couldn't believe it when I got the news and I can barely believe it now that I am seeing it with my own eyes. So, go over, check out the interview and let me know what you think! Wow!!!

PS - If you got here from the Etsy Featured Seller interview - Welcome! Make yourself comfortable and stay awhile.



Lee Ann said…
Hey Crystal! Jusy giving you a shout that I just read your interview on etsy and what an inspiration you are!!!
Lee Ann
artsyclay said…
Congratulations on being the featured seller! I love your handpainted scarves. <3
#41x14 said…
great feature article w/ etsy!!! congrats to you! thanks for your insight too.
craigstarr said…
In the words of Method Man, "Get on down with your bad self, get on down!"
intertwingle said…
I love your work. I am looking forward to more ties! I love the blue robot on gray. Thinking about it for my hubby. I just got him measured for some custom made shirts. He would love that tie. But since you mentioned you had more tie designs coming and I have 6 weeks before his shirts show up...I'll be lurking. If an item has sold you will make others that are similar, right?
Great interview. Congratulations!
Kim said…
That is fantastic and I was happy to find you! Congratulations!!!
Michelle said…
Congrats on being the Featured Seller! That's how I found you. Come by when you have a moment!
Anonymous said…
Hello...Congratulations! I am fairly new to etsy and when I saw your interview, I had to take a moment to come and give you a shout out!

Your products are beautiful! Keep doin' your thing!

Anonymous said…
Congratulations for a great interview! I'm new to etsy and LOVE IT! I especially love hearing from the artists, like you, who are so passionate.

I gave etsy a shout-in my blog recently:

You are so right about staying active and keeping your links out there. You never know who will see it.
Wow, this has truly been a great experience! Thank you all so much for all of your kind words and comments. I hardly ever get comments and it's such a treat to get so many!