One TWO Buckle My Shoe!

My second year Etsyversary just passed! December 21. I can't believe it's been 2 years since I've been selling online. I must say, it's been great, I've been able to sell my work to people all over the world and have gained lots of exposure that I wouldn't have gotten otherwise. I didn't do anything yet to celebrate, last year I bought myself a pro account over at Flickr which has been well worth the while. What should I do this year? Hmmmm.
Here is the pair of baby shoes that I listed in my Etsy shop the day before the official anniversary. The first item in the Baby O collection! As of now, there are just 2 items in that section, but I hope to add on more soon. I've got lots of things in my head that I am anxious to bring to fruition this year so hopefully I can make it happen! I love introducing new products for you to see.