Follow Me!
Well Stylehive is having another great contest. If I invite friends to follow me in the Stylehive between now and March 19, 2007 I’ll be entered for a chance to win a $600 gift certificate from Gump’s. It's been a while since I've looked at a Gump's catalog, but I remember them having some pretty nice stuff. How cool.
If you didn't know already (or maybe you forgot)"Stylehive is a social shopping community made of people seeking out the world’s most interesting products, the sites that sell them and the people that find them. It’s the place dedicated to discovering “What’s Hot. Right Now.” "
It's been a little while since I've updated my hive so it probably would be easy to forget. But I must say that they have really stepped it up over there. Everything loads much faster and it is a bit more user friendly than when I first discovered it. I already have one follower and I just added my new quilted silk patchwork blanket to the my hive and someone else has bookmarked it since this morning!
So, I've added a new button to my Push My Buttons section for the contest (you know how I love doing that). Click on it and go have a peek, you are bound to see something you like! Oh yeah and follow me!
PS - I just looked at the front page and Etsy is the #4 most popular site over there today. Go Etsy!!!
(Your ring bearer pillow an entry down is really cute!)