Fuel Up 2!
A few weeks ago I was telling you about this neat site that I found call Fuel My Blog. Well, they have been making some major improvements around there and the site is looking really great. If you have a blog or even if you are an avid blog reader
you should definitely check it out because coming up there's plans for competitions, user accounts, live post lists, radio, and TV!
I've been meaning to mention that back towards the end of February my blog was chosen as blog of the day for my page over there and I enjoyed some extra hits from around the world! Here' a screen shot from that day. Click on it for a closer look - you can see how much they've changed since then!

Now they have introduced this new voting widget that allows my readers to vote for me so I can get featured on their homepage. All in all making it more popular and thus read by more people, which in turn will bring more visitors to my Etsy shop. Here is the new button and I've also added it my "Vote" section. Click away, you can vote once per day!