Wow, I just signed for this great new web ad site called
Project Wonderful! It's a great site where you can bid on ad space starting at free.99.
One of my fellow Craft Mafia members encouraged me to sign up.
IndieCraftShows.com is set up over there too and I hope to get an ad with them soon as well. My first ad, though short-lived was over at
MissMalalprop.com - an awesome indie friendly blog that is run by fellow Etsy seller
dismantled. My ad was up for a total of 10 hours, but then I was outbid. But wait, later on, my bid was the highest again, so the ad is back up! At first, I wasn't too sure about how the whole bidding system was going to work and now I'm starting to get. I need to design some more ads, specifically animated gifs (like the one to the left), so that I can expand my options and seek out some other sites to advertise on. This is super-exciting, especially if this sort of exposure brings traffic to
my Etsy shop. Yes!