
Well, it's time for you to give me your opinions again! I had my other poll up since September. I was asking which browser you used. Overwhelmingly users are still using Explorer (60%) with Firefox (40%). No voters used Safari or Opera. I've switched over completely to Firefox and I just love it. Looks like the new version of Explorer has some of the same features now, like tabs, but I still like the Fox better.
It's time for something new until I come up with another poll question, so I have added this widget to the sidebar. It's the new Plexo feature over at Squidoo. I've talked about Squidoo several times before, but this is the first time I've been able to link my blog and lens with an interactive feature. I really like this one (once I figured out what it did), and I think it could be useful. Basically Plexo is a ranking feature. I create the list and you tell me what you think.
My first one will be "Which on of my product photos is the best?". I've pulled what I think are my best product pics from Flickr and compiled them here. You can vote on these or I believe that you can add ones that you think should be here (I'm still learning about this feature myself). Here's a screen shot, and the actual widget is over there to the left under the "Vote" section. Go check it out, I want to know what you think! This will help me with my photos and plus I want to see how this thing works.
Hopefully I'll be adding some other ones after I get more comfortable with it. Go Plexo go!