You Make My Squidoo Rise!

Ever seen a Squidoo lens before? No, well here's a screenshot of the very tippy-top mine! I know last week I said that I would talk more about my Squidoo lens that was moving up nicely.
My Squidoo lens is one of those things that I started on a whim and didn't entirely know how it worked when I did it. Well, gradually, I have been getting used to it and have been sprucing it up every so often. Some weeks ago, I made bunch of changes, added some modules, rearranged some and joined a few groups. Immediately the lens began to climb - and it went up several thousand spots in one week. But, seems like as soon as I mentioned the rise here, it started to drop back down. I'm still not sure really what makes a lens go up or down, I can only figure it has to do with views/hits, but that's all I can really figure.
A little miffed, I did a few more changes and the thing just kept dropping, ended up dropping back down almost 1000 points. So lately, I've been a little scared to check on it, because I never know if I have plummetted way way down or what. So, I check this morning and I'm #334!!! What?! I've never been higher than a 4 digit number so I couldn't believe it. Top 100 list here I come!
Anyways, go take a gander over there, see what you think and gimme some feedback. I'm going to continue to develop it as I go in hopes of continuing to rise - although I'm still not sure of what parts I really should be working on. At any rate, it is a great promotional tool that has brought visibility to my Etsy shop and this here blog. I may not completely understand it, but I'm going to keep working on my Squidoo lens. Plus, I like the name.