Today is my 1 year Etsyversary!

Yup, it's true, I've been signed up as a seller with Etsy for one full year. I don' think I actually listed anything until about a week later, but the date on my shop say December 21, 2005. I remember when I first found Etsy, I was searching for a place to sell my goods online and just kind of lucked up on it. I'm so glad I found it! I remember the feeling, kind of like when you meet someone new, you don't know much about them, but you know you like them and will be good friends. And when looking back, they seem so much different now then that first impression. Hard to explain, but anyways, I was thinking about doing something big in my shop, but I've decided against it. I think it will just be a quiet celebration, a reflection of the year and thoughts of what is to come going forward. I was looking at my flickr photos to try and find the most appropriate photo to put up with this post and realized that alot of my first photos are gone! Since I have a free account, I can only have 200 photos and I surpassed that weeks ago, not fully realizing that all of my first pics would be deleted one by one as I added new ones. So, maybe it's time to step it up to a pro account and that is going to be my gift to me and my little shop. Wow, a pro flickr account - something I thought that I would never want or need! I think it is worth it because I will be able to upload as many pics as I want and have as many sets as I want. It will serve as an online portfolio of sorts. So happy Etsyversary to me! Now, I've just got to go back and upload all of those photos again...
PS - I settled on using a picture of my skull patchwork pillow. Something about the colors is very cool and wintry and it kind of encompasses 2 of my most popular pieces this year - the skulls + the patchwork pillow.