500 hearts!

500 hearts, originally uploaded by crrysstall.

Cool. I never thought I would make it to this point. I remember the day I got my first heart, in fact, I remember the day when Etsy first launched the "hearts me" feature (well they both occured on the same day). I often wonder if as many people take advantage of the tool as should. It's a great little bookmarking tool that allows you to basically see at a glance those shops that are your favorite and also keep up with what new items they've added to their shops. If you haven't used it, you should try it, you just might like it.


Hi Crystal,
hey that is me, the last heart, was I number 500?


How's that baby in the belly?
Yes! Kelly you were my 500th heart! I couldn't have done it without you!!! Thanks so much!

The baby is awesome! He's 3 pounds already. Wow!
becca.elpy said…
I remember when they launched it too. *is an oldie* Congrats on the milestone!