Caffeine & Bacon!

I didn't know it, but the awesome online resource for "stuff for smart masses" ThinkGeek also has a paper catalog. There is something nice about looking at an old school catalog, actually turning paper pages is still so great. A feeling that you just can't get by browsing the internet. I was so thrilled when I got a tweet from one of my twitter buddies that they had just received their ThinkGeek catalog in the mail and saw my bacon scarf in there! You know I immediately ordered one of my very own. So here it is, the hand painted silk bacon scarf, on page 21 - the Caffeine & Bacon page! Hilarious. It's so fun to see stuff you made in a printed publication, and I took great pleasure in adding this to the in print page of the featured section on
Who else can say that their creation appeared on the same page as baconnaise and bacon lip balm?! : )