How Bacon Saved Christmas.
I just shipped out a 4 pound box of bacon...scarves. The second half of the largest wholesale order ever by crystal j. silk! What a major milestone to have painted by hand over 150 scarves in about 2 months. This is probably more than I painted in all of last year! I am proud to say that I achieved this huge goal and have been receiving lots of positive feedback on the meaty creation. This project has been a true test of my ability to produce large quantities of work in a timely manner and was certainly a challenge. The entire Fall of 2010 was spent working on these pieces, getting them ready to be available online at ThinkGeek for the largest shopping time of the year. I have learned (mostly through Twitter) that bacon is a bit of an obsession for a lot of people and I am happy for it! Because of this bacon-luv I have also created another silk bacon item, the bacon necktie. Now you know exactly what to get the bacon-lover in your life, right?
If you are in the Richmond area, you can see and feel both the silk bacon scarf and silk bacon necktie at my biggest Holiday show on Sunday - Handmade Holiday. This is the Richmond Craft Mafia's sixth Holiday craft show - this one will held at Plant Zero and be bigger and better than ever!
Hope you have a great Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, and/or Festivus and get to enjoy some bacon be it real or silk. Ha! ; )