Indie Fixx Fall Galleria!

Starting tomorrow I'll be in the Indie Fixx Fall Galleria! The Indie Fixx Galleria is an "online gallery of indie goods. The gallery is like an 'indie mall' featuring a juried mix of indie designers & boutiques." Indie Fixx, created by Jen Wallace, is a rad website that is the "celebration of the creativity, tenacity, and general spunky goodness that is the indie design movement." I am ecstatic to join the other talented artists and designers that will also be displaying their work over there!
The galleria will go live tomorrow, September 16 and will run through October 31. Click below to enter.
As a special treat I will be offering free shipping on all of the items displayed in the Indie Fixx Fall Galleria. Just enter INDIEFIXX in the notes to seller at checkout and I will refund your shipping cost. Cool.