Man, last week was crazy!

But in a good way. My black skull scarf was in this Etsy Finds: Live and Let Dye article/newsletter, my rainbow scarf was featured on this cool blog called bud, this skull scarf was on the Etsy front page, the mushroom scarf and rainbow scarves were in Etsy treasuries, sold my first eco fused plastic pouch on Etsy (that's the pic above), got 2 new email blog readers [Welcome, welcome!] and sold something from my Etsy shop almost every day last week. Not to mention some interesting conversations and inquiries to boot. On top of all that I had a giveaway going on that I was promoting on twitter all week. Phew! For me, that is unprecedented. Hard to know how much of it was interconnected or if one thing led to another but I do know that it felt awesome!
Despite all the twitter promotion, I still hadn't reached 10 retweets to end the giveaway by the end of the week. Today, I mentioned it again and ended up getting the latter half of the tweets in less than an hour (the first 5 took all week!). Lesson learned, you gotta keep it going, no matter how long it takes! You just never know, right!? Super shout outs to everyone who participated - all wonderful members of the growing crafty community on twitter. It was fun and thanks to them all I would like to do another giveaway soon.
Congrats to kimmyxoxo, ascrappydesign and monkeydogstudio who will be getting their very own fused plastic mirrors. I know that's 3, but I think it was a virtual tie between kimmy and scrappy and I just wanted to thank my fellow craft mafiosa Janet of MonkeyDogStudio who was always keeping it going til the end! :)
The paper n stitch exhibition has been extended until August 23 so I decided to extend my mirror deal until then too. Especially since I still have a few left...