" i am my brand."

This is actually a quote from Twitter in response to a question I posted asking how he promoted himself on Twitter. There was a conversation between him and one of his peeps and they were discussing people getting mad at them because they didn't reply to their posts to them. Twelebs, as he called himself (celebrities on Twitter) like quoolquest (his Twitter name), can have tens of thousands of followers and of course can't reply to everyone that sends them a message. He said that he was on Twitter to promote his brand and couldn't worry about responding to some 20,000 tweeps - he was nice about it - and I totally understand. Anyways, when I saw this tweet come across, I just had to ask how he promotes his brand. I was nervous and a little starstruck (still am), but I typed out my tweet and sent it out for the world to see. And he responded, ahhh!
I just wanted to get some perspective on this Twitter thing. Is Twitter worth my time? How personal do you get with your tweets? Is it a place to promote your business? Still fleshing it out in my mind, but I have come to one conclusion - it is an ambiguous mix of business and personal, kind of like blogging. You can reveal as much or as little as you want about your business life or personal life. But I've begun to realize that if you own your own biz then the two become almost inseparable at times and I think that is what ?uestlove was saying. Everything you say in public - be it in the real world or the Twitter world - represents you and ultimately if you are passionate about what you do it all becomes intermingled.
What do you think? Follow me and we can discuss. Or we can talk about the weather. See how I promote my brand. crystal j.
PS - Are you on Twitter? If you're not on Twitter, and have no idea what I am rambling on about, it is a social network for microblogging, (it's really blowing up now, so jump on board anytime now) go here for a good explanation of what it is. This is my first blog post about Twitter and I have a feeling there will be many more. My Twitter addiction is now competing with my Etsy addiction. Damn.
PPS - The pic of the video game controller pouch is the background of my Twitter page right now.