Etsy Gift Guides!

Etsy has these nifty gift guides now that are curated by the Etsy staff. There are guides for 28 categories! Everything from Fashion to Baby to more obscure categories like Environmentally Friendly and Modern Design. Of the 28 categories, 6 are geared toward the Season of Love, Valentine's Day. That is where I found my gray anatomical heart tie! I know what you're thinking, and no, I don't sit and go through all the guides looking for my items. For some reason I noticed the tie listing was getting lots of views. Upon investigation and pure luck I saw that it was part of the Knock His Socks Off Gift Guide. I was happy to be chosen, but I can't help but wish for a way to know if you have been featured on the site at any given time. There's the front page, Treasuries, the Storque, Etsy Finds and now the Gift Guides. I know it would be very hard and maybe impossible to have some sort of notification system - I guess I'll just have to continue to be super observant - as if I don't spend an exorbitant amount of time on Etsy as it is!
Anyways, CHEERS! to the Etsy Staff member that put the tie in the Gift Guide. I'm loving the exposure.
PS - If you are an Etsy seller and find yourself featured somewhere on the site, increase your quantity available ASAP (unless it is truly one-of-a-kind or you don't want to make it again). So if it does sell, it will not disappear from the feature and you can maxiize your exposure and potentially sell more!