200 Sales!

The little number beside sales under the other items column in my Etsy shop has finally reached and surpassed the number 200. This is a nice milestone. I should be happy right? I am. But there are a few things that kinda bug me about this milestone.
1. Quite simply, I wish it were much much higher. Especially for the amount of time that I have been an active seller on Etsy. Going on 3 years now! This means I have sold like .18 items a day since I've been selling online. Uck. I look at some of the shops that have been around about the same time as me and they have sold thousands of items. Yowza! I am still in search of a way to have soaring sales like those.
2. The number really should be a bit higher. When Etsy first started Alchemy - which I happened to like that version better - the sales that you made through that feature were not tallied (with a promise of one day being tallied). Well they never were and never will be. I know I had at least 10 Alchemy sales. Hmmpf.
Okay, now that I have whined about it, I will say that I am proud to have made those at least 200 sales and just because it doesn't show up on the screen doesn't mean they don't exist. It's so easy to get caught up in the number game though - don't even think about asking me about how many hearts I have and what that really all means. Life of an Etsy addict. It ain't pretty.
So, yeah, yay! 200 sales.