New Shiznit!

My Etsy shop had been feeling a little light because of the things that I've sold (have you noticed that all of my pillows are gone!) at the recent local shows I've been participating in. This is most certainly a good thing and I've been working hard to fill it back up with some goodies! I had been dying to list some new product in my Etsy shop and have been trying to list everyday for the past week or so. Have you noticed? I made some new stuff for shows, and finally photographed it for posting. Oh, you think taking pics is easy and fun? It can be. But it also can be very tedious and time consuming. The product has to be lit just right and then edited and then after that, descriptions have to be written. Bah! But it has to be done. I'm going to continue to roll out some more of my newest pieces that have only been seen by those who have attended the shows that I have been doing. Let me know what you think. Really. You know how I roll. If I get a good response, then more will follow...
Here's my latest listing, another brain scarf - in orange - I already sold one green one so far. Yes!
Here's my latest listing, another brain scarf - in orange - I already sold one green one so far. Yes!