Shop Local!

So, there's this new tool on Etsy called Shop Local. You can put in any location and it will pull up all of the Etsy shops in that area! How cool is that? It was really nice to see that there were so many shops in the Richmond area. I was pleasantly surprised at what our little town has to offer. And what a variety - from super crafty to fine art; jewelry to clothing to bath stuff to home stuff to paintings - everything. The tool shows the last 100 updated, a whole 10 pages worth. If you want to support local artists, or even reduce your carbon footprint a bit you've got to go and check it out.
So if you are the Richmond area and you are coming to the I Love Craft event on Feb. 10 (I know you are!) this would be a great way to just check out some of what our arts and crafts community is doing. How awesome would it be to meet and hang out with some of the folks whose work you've seen. The Richmond Craft Mafia and the Richmond Etsy Street Team (REST) will be there chillin.