Oh wow. It's been a little while. Did you miss me? I missed you. I've actually been forming this post in my head for some weeks now, but just haven't seemed to have been able to actually post. 2007 had a long hot summer - hard to believe it's the end of fall already now - and I know my posting has been spotty at best. Especially when I had gotten into a groove of posting just about every day. Well the truth of the matter is that times have changed around crystal j. silk. For the better! I have a muse now, an inspiration that I could have never imagined. These last few (well, really a lot more than a few) months of my life have been spent developing the most wonderful thing I have ever made.
A baby!
Well, now Baby O is here and he is the most amazing creation ever. So look out, be prepared for some awesome new products. The ideas are flowing, but of course the prototypes don't come as fast as the ideas. These hand painted quilted silk baby shoes are the first thing that I have made for my baby and I love the feeling of seeing him wearing something that I have made. I plan to make more to sell in my Etsy shop and I've got some other baby things in mind too. I've been wanting to make products for babies for a while, but now I think it will be super special. I'll have my very own test market!
So, here it is. It's been a long time coming, but here is my first post as a mommy. Yes!