
I had visited her blog before and I don't remember how I got there, perhaps the same way she found mine, through the blogs that flickr ringsurf button. Flickr is that really awesome photosharing site, but I have a total of 3 ringsurf buttons (one for Etsy + one for the Craft Mafia too!) You can find them under the "Go Surfing" area over on the left.
It was really cool to "meet" Hattie and I was truly excited that she posted about a few of my skully items on her blog! She is also conducting a survey for her graduate media study research project on blogs. I have really gotten into blogging lately and was really interested in taking her survey. I must say it was interesting and look forward to seeing the results. If you are a blogger like me and would like to take the survey click here. And if you don't want to do it now, I am adding a link under my "Vote" section on the left too for easy access later (it ends on December 6).