Yay! My pink skull scarf and green skull pillow made it into the indieholidays directory! This site is put out by the Independent Design and Craft Association, LLC - The Voice of the Indie Community. They also run Craft Revolution which is also a brilliant site to check out.
The pillow is in the Hearth and Home section and the scarf is in the Back To School section. How cool would it be to go back to school on the first day rocking a skull scarf! Silk is perfect for the fall - one reason why I love silk - you can wear it all year, it keeps you warm when it's cold and is light and breezy when it's hot.
The Holidays are right around the corner and everyone I talk to is gearing up. This will be my first Holiday season selling online so I am anxious to see what awaits me! : Bringing handmade quality back to the holidays