Look Books!

Look Book - Scarves
Originally uploaded by crrysstall.
Here is a page from the Look Book ad project that I participated in through Indie Finds. The Look Books are binders containing pages from over 60 indie businesses that were sent to over 50 different media outlets/publications including the Oprah Show + Magazine, Ellen Show, Vogue, Lucky, Domino, Dwell, and Jane just to name a few. The catalog (which also included a CD with ready for print images) is to be a quick reference to help the editors find product ideas for editorial placement. I included digital files for the CD and 2 pages, one for scarves and one for pillows (I'll show you that one later). I just joined Indie Finds a few months ago and this so exciting to me - my first ad co-op! I haven't heard anything regarding the reception of the binders, but I am happy to just have those folks see my work. Indie Finds is hoping to do one for every quarter. This one was for the fall quarter, so you know I have to get in on the one for the Holiday season! This will be my first full Holiday season with my Etsy shop and I am anxiously awaiting what it will bring.....


Anonymous said…
wow! what a fabulous opportunity. i bet your business will really be booming soon!!!