I discovered this website called Squidoo some days back. I was in the Etsy forums and read a post by a fellow seller canita. She mentioned her blog in the post so I visited it. Turns out she had been featured on the bestindieshops lens on Squidoo. Lenses are what the individual sites are called on Squidoo. I know, I'd never heard of such things either, but I was intrigued. Plus I love saying Squidoo. I looked around the bestindieshops lens for a while and was inspired to make my own lens! So if you click here you can see it. It's pretty basic right now, I think, but I'm still trying to figure out all the ins-and-outs. I believe lenses are very new and I hope that I can be a great lensmaster some day. Stop by the crystal j. silk lens today and let me know what you think!