
EtsyLux is an Etsy street team that I am a member of that focuses on the high end shops at Etsy. In browsing Etsy you may have noticed that there are a lot of shops that have lower price points, but there are so many lux shops out there too! I'm talking about the shops where the majority of their items are above $40. The EtsyLux street team is trying to bring awareness to these shops and make Etsy also a destination for shoppers looking for high quality, luxurious items. Our street team was founded in late 2006 and has already grown to over 40 members to-date! So far we have set up a group blog and a website featuring everyones items. There is much more promotion and marketing plans ahead as well. Check us out! You may find something luxurious that you want to pamper yourself with! Oh, and if you are on Etsy and want to find some EtsyLux items, just search under etsylux, you are bound to find something you like. Three cheers for EtsyLux! Hurrah! Hurrah! Hurrah!