RVA Blogs

pink skull scarf
Originally uploaded by crrysstall.

Boo! Ha, ha. I just love this pic of my new pink skull scarf...

Just wanted to let you know to check out my Blog Spot over there on the left side from time to time. It features some great blogs of people I know personally or whom I have met on the internet that have some really great product or blogs. My latest addition is RVA Blogs - Collecting the thoughts of RVA. I love that. RVA Blogs has also added me to their list of friends and I am flattered to join the company of other great Richmond bloggers. Amongst them is a fellow Etsy shopkeeper Modern Atelier. Mod has been all over the the Richmond press lately - on radio and in print, I am majorly impressed. Kudos!

There is no shortage of creativity here in the Cap City and I am proud to be a part of it.


Anonymous said…
This is so great! Love the Pink Skull!